A Music-Centered Life: Finding Fulfillment & Paying the Bills

by Elaine Ryan

Musicians want honesty. The market is saturated with a follow-your-dream-and-buy-my-course ethos, in ways that it wasn’t five years ago. The glint is coming off the fool's gold. 

A Music-Centered Life is a book for young people considering pursuing music who want straight talk about what their options are for leading stable lives as they make music. It’s also for middle-aged and retired people who wish to revisit their dream of making music as well as for those who have chosen music as a career but don’t belong to the 0.01% of musicians who are famous. 


Musicians often ask themselves if they’re crazy to have chosen music or to want to pursue it. This book assures you that you're not and shows you how you can make music a central part of your identity while living a good life.

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